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Rugs At Grayson Luxury

A Guide To Choosing The Right Rug for Your Home

Rugs bring luxury and comfort to any space. Apart from transforming a room with their colorful patterns and soft textures, rugs can also define a space, soften a floor, and accent an interior.
In case you are uncertain which rug would match the design and style of your room, then consider the tips, below, to add a touch of modernity to your home.

Rugs to Define AreasSurya Riley RLY-5025

Use different rugs for separate areas. For instance, living room rugs can be placed under the cocktail table. Ensure that the rug is large enough for floor coverage. It will not just anchor the room, but at the same time adds some warmth to the room’s décor. Similarly, in the bedroom or entryways, use accent rugs that are beautiful and that soften the floors. You can even shop for area rugs for the dining area, kitchens, bathrooms, etc.

Rugs to Suit Your StyleSurya Zeus ZEU-7805

Rugs can serve as the focal point of your room. You can go for bold colors to make a statement or go for patterned rugs that match the architecture. Let the furniture pieces dictate the shape of the designer rugs that you use. Utilize oval, round, L-shaped, octagonal shapes, and more cotton rugs that will complement your furniture pieces.

Get Right Size RugsSurya Sherpa SHP-8000

For areas with high traffic, use rugs that are easy to clean and maintain and avoid rugs that are too plush. In large rooms, rugs should fit its configuration and furniture. Similarly, dining rooms should incorporate rugs that are big enough to fill the space underneath the complete dining table set. In a narrower kitchen, go for modern striped rugs to give the appearance of a larger space.

Rugs of Different MaterialSurya Santa Monica SAC-2304

Different materials of rugs offer different levels of texture and durability. Wool rugs serve the best for insulation. Cotton rugs are low-maintenance, while silk rugs are luxurious. Another highly durable and low-maintenance material for rugs is polypropylene.

Handmade Rugs on the WallsSurya Anaruz

Some handwoven rugs can be used as wall art and look perfect on the walls. Rich and intricate designs add gorgeous notes to the walls.


Explore the wide assortment of contemporary designer rugs available in luxurious sizes, colors, textures and options at Grayson Luxury- A one-stop destination for the most luxurious home décor items including an unprecedented selection of quality rugs.

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