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Marge Carson Bolero Panel Bed

Bed Making Tips You Should Know About

After a tedious day at work, you return home and get upset to see the messed up bed with rumpled sheets and a balled-up blanket? Well, just like other chores, you should make a habit of making the bed in the morning itself. Just imagine, returning from work and looking at the organized bed will uplift your mood and you can instantly lie on the bed and relax. A well-made bed will create a dramatic impact and give your bedroom a luxurious appeal. No feeling can compare the feel like falling into a fluffy bed after a long tiring day.

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The fitted sheet, top sheet, pillowcases and comforter are all you require for making your bed. Additionally, you can use the mattress pad and decorative linens for added comfort and enhanced look. Here is a quick guide with which you can make your bed with ease.

Choose the Right Type of Linens and Supplies

You should choose the linens and supplies depending on the type of look you admire. If you are fond of minimalist look, then you should opt for bed linen but if you like fancy stuff, then bed skirts are for you. Before choosing one, another essential thing you should keep in mind is the style of bed that you own.

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Replace Used Linens with a Fresh One

For a fresh and breezy look, it is advisable to regularly change the dirty linens. Even if the mattress looks dirty, you should clean it before making the bed.

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Place the Bottom and Flat Sheet on the Bed

The first step is to cover the mattress with the bottom or fitted sheet and over that flat sheet is used. You must ensure that the bedsheet must not have any crease and it should be tucked in neatly and smoothly from all corners and edges. You must set the corners precisely, just like the hospital corners. One thing to make sure during this process is that you remove the entire crease and smooth out the edges.

Marge Carson Equinox Panel Bed

Now, Its Turn of the Top Sheet

Lay the top sheet evenly on the bed and leave some excess sheet so that you can fold the blanket with it. It is essential to make the hospital corners for a finished and clean look. But it is advised to leave each side untucked so that you can easily get into the bed.

Marge Carson Lake Shore Drive Panel Bed

Cover the Sheet with Blanket or Comforter

Evenly spread the blanket on the top sheet and smooth out the edges. The blanket’s top edge should be a little below the bed’s top edge. Finally, fold the extra top sheet over the edge of the blanket.

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Decorate with the Pillows and a Throw

You can keep the pillows as per your choice. Either you can place the pillow under the blanket or above it. Also, you can place the pillows upright against the headboard.

Marge Carson Bolero Panel Bed


It is always advisable to keep an extra set of sheets and pillowcases and change them frequently. To become a pro on the bed making process, you should start doing it regularly. Explore more at Grayson Luxury – A one-stop online destination for the most eclectic collection of luxurious furniture pieces and other quality home décor accessories.
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